Sunday 19 June 2011

Baby Shower Cupcakes

It has been such a crazy busy couple of weeks that I haven't been able to upload all the gorgeous cupcakes I've been making in the last month. Even though I'm surviving on a few hours sleep, I feel so blessed by the love and support from everyone who's eaten a think sweet cake and all the positive reviews :) I will try to get on here more often and will post up my latest cakes, but if I don't get a chance you can always check them out on facebook at

Okay, so this post is dedicated to cakes and cupcakes that are perfect for baby showers, birthdays and 1 month celebrations.

 These cute cupcakes were inspired by Paris Cutler's Planet Cake cupcakes. They look too good to eat! :)

This cake was my first attempt at 3D modelling and was created for my beautiful niece's 1 month celebration. She is now a gorgeous 5 month old and oh how much she has grown!

And last but not least, a group photo to end the post :)

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